Monday, May 23, 2011

May Giveaway Day

Bienvenue! Welcome to all my visitors today, new and old! I'm so excited to participate in my first Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway day.

My name is Stephanie, and I'm fairly obsessed with gorgeous fabrics which inspire me and give me the itch to make something pretty. My most common use of fabric is to make aprons, and so that is what I decided to give away today.

Then I had to decide which style apron to give away...and I couldn't! So, I decided to let you choose.

My aprons are a little bit different than most, in that I often use the fashion of specific time periods as inspiration for them. The truth is, I never outgrew wanting to play dress-up! So, I see an apron as both a functional, practical aid, but also a quick and easy way to play dress up for a while, even if you're wearing jeans underneath. ;-)

The first apron I ever designed was inspired by the empire waists of the Regency era. If I had a signature apron, this would likely be it! Here I am modeling one of the very first ones I made, so you can see the criss cross back and how it looks on:

And this navy striped Regency Inspired apron is one of the three the giveaway winner can choose from!

Another time period I absolutely adore is the Victorian era, all that fabric so stunningly draped and pleated. LOVE! I played around with some Victorian aprons, but a while back I designed what I called the Milkmaid apron which I think also fits in the victorian category with the overskirt and all. I modified it a bit this time, adding a drop waist, but the cool thing about this one is it has two totally different looks.

First, there's a fun super-full skirted half apron.

But just for kicks, look closely and you'll see some buttons and loops...

to create a kind of bustly, drapey front!

Peek-a-boo! Yes, this is a double layered apron with its own sort of ruffled petticoat underneath.

Isn't it fun? And I just love these fabrics. There's also a pocket...

This is the second of the three choices the lucky winner could choose.

Finally, because I know not everyone is as into antique fashions as I am, I'm offering as the third of the choices one of my more modern designs, what I call the flouncy full apron. Simple and chic!

So if you'd like to enter to win one of these aprons, please leave a comment with:
1. Which apron you like best (1. Regency Inspired Apron 2. Milkmaid Apron 3. Flouncy Full Apron)
2. Your email address (Either in your profile or in the comment, as long as I can find it! If I can't I'm going to have to pick another winner so make sure it's somewhere!)

Entries will be accepted through Wednesday, and on Thursday I'll announce the winner and contact them by email. I will ship to you wherever you are in the world, so everyone is welcome to enter.

Just FYI, I'm currently doing a weekly giveaway series, asking people to help me choose fabrics to use up and then I give away an item made with the chosen fabric. :-) It's a GREAT way to use up my stash! Check it out if you're interested, and if you're on facebook you can follow my facebook page where I post reminders about the weekly giveaway contest so you can enter.

And if you should fall in love with any of my designs and don't end up winning, I do sell them in my Etsy shop! Custom orders are always welcome. Also, whichever 2 aprons don't get chosen by the winner will be up for sale in my shop once the giveaway is over!

Well I think that about does it. I'm so thrilled you stopped by, and I can't wait to check out the other amazing blogs doing giveaways today! Bonne chance!!

Update: Thank you SO MUCH for the wonderful comments and feedback, I'm just blown away by the overwhelming response. Please check back tomorrow morning to find out who the lucky winner is! :-)


  1. Enjoying discovering new blogs today. Your aprons look so well made, they're beautiful. I love the simplicity of the flouncy apron, and the pretty colours. Thanks for the chance!

  2. I absolutely love the milkmaid apron! What beautiful work you do. Mellowpuff's right, they do look very well made - the finishing is really professional. Thank you for the giveaway!

  3. I follow on facebook. Your aprons are really artpieces.
    It's pretty hard to decide whether the first or the second kicks me more. I love that playfulness with the two layers of the milkmaid one. And that it looks more like a fancy dress than an apron.
    Well, I think I go for the regency inspired cause it's more practical I think.
    And yeah, what a delight to have the chance to win it

  4. Hey - I can't decide between flouncy full and milkmaid. Super cute! Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. Lovely aprons all of them I'd pick
    2. Milkmaid Apron


  6. love love the rose ruffley apron you are a sewing genius. thank yoU!

  7. Your aprons are all just too lovely! I like them all! If I had to choose one for myself though, it would be the navy striped one. If I had to choose one for my sister, it would be the peekaboo ruffle flounce one. Thanks for the chance. If I'm so lucky as to win, you can contact me at my blog. Come join my giveaway too!

  8. AAAAAAAAHHH! I love all of these! They are amazing! I'm having a hard time choosing, but I think I have decided that I like the milkmaid design the best. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love the milkmaid apron, it's so, so creative. But, since most of my cooking "oops" land on my shirt, my second choice is the flouncy one. I love skirts that move when I walk!

  10. Love that full flouncy skirted apron. Gorgeous work!
    sonja greene at very verdant dot com

  11. Oh my gosh, your aprons are amazing! Love them!! Such a hard decision as to which one I love the most out of the Regency and the Milkmaid, but I think the double layer's flounce of the Milkmaid style is winning out for me. :-)

    Thanks for the chance to be in to win one!

    macska at gmail dot com

  12. I love your flouncy full apron. It's so pretty. Your others are lovely too. I wear an apron whenever I am cooking. I wouldn't be without one. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  13. The first one! I love the color and the style.

    audrey dot j dot hogan at gmail dot com

  14. I am in love with the Milkmaid apron. It is fantastic!

  15. gorgeous! I love the flouncy apron the best :)

    amoberly (at) gmail (dot) com

  16. I love the flouncy apron! So fun and pretty! Actually, I love them all. Your aprons are so gorgeous and you are such a talented and creative fabric artist, Stephanie. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  17. Hi Stephanie! All your aprons are lovely, but by far my favourite is the Regency styled one :)

    I'm the same as you - when I buy fabric I always choose the print before I know what I'm going to sew from it. Result? lots of beautiful fabric and so many decisions to make!

  18. My favorite is the Regency but all three are beautiful. I especially love the styling of the milkmaid apron with the flounces and buttons. You did a great job!

    gntgriffin at aol dot com

  19. Bonjour de la part d'une autre américaine avec un mari français! ;-) J'adore vos tabliers! Si bien faits et si beaux! I would be thrilled to win any of them, but am especially in love with the Regency one.

  20. I love the milkmaid apron. And the underskirt is GREEN!

    zerlindra at yahoo dot com

  21. Wow, gorgeous giveaway! I particularly love the regency inspired one with the vertical stripes. Freddie x

  22. They are all beautiful... i love number 3 best!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win this week!!

    janelarsen at lynhurtig dot dk

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Oooops..forgot to include email in the comment..
    I LOVE the regency inspired apron...very Jane Austenish. =)
    Thanks so much for the giveaway.


  25. I love the milkmaid apron! So cute.

    kristi29 @

  26. Oh they are all so beautiful! I love the Milkmaid apron the best though. Very lovely.


  27. I love your aprons. I think I like 2. and 3. the best, but that is just me. If I were to win surprise me. I love surprises. I guess that is why I like giveaways, you never know if you will win or not. Cute blog by the way.

  28. I love number 3!


    CLPP65 AT gmail DOT com

  29. I love them all, but I especially like the Regency.

  30. The regency is my favorite but honestly I love them all! Of course I'm a self proclaimed apron addict. LOL! What a lovely blog you have.

  31. the flouncy one. although the milkmaid is a close close second.

    2wildmonkeys from delphi. :)

  32. Your aprons are great! I love the milkmaid one, it's so fun!

    My email is linked automatically.

    thank you for the chance.

  33. they're all so nice! I like #3 Flouncy Full Apron
    serenityinstamping at gmail dot com

  34. Oh, be still my heart! The Regency-inspired apron has captured me. *swoon*

    crystalarcand (at) gmail (dot) com

  35. You are so talented...I've always said that! I like the flouncy, full apron #3. Hope you get lots of press.:)

  36. I love the milkmaid apron. It is very pretty and it isn't your typical apron....I love that!


  37. WOW!!! i LOVE the regency inspired apron!

    fabulous giveaway!

    bess :)

    jbknav at hotmail dot com

  38. Your stuff is so amazing, and you are so talented! I love the milkmaid one. But I'm such a mess I need a full apron, so I'd go with the flouncy. <3

  39. Oooohhh, I love the milkmaid apron. Thanks for the giveaway.

  40. They are all gorgeous! I like the flouncy one best.

  41. What a hard decision! I think I'll have to go with the first one though 2 was a very close second.

    ajoyfulnoise (at) live (dot) com

  42. I like the Regency apron the best! Very regal, indeed!
    yobethie (at) hotmail (dot) com

  43. I LOVE the milkmaid apron (#2)! But all of them are beautiful. :) Lynarri at

  44. Wow! I love them all but milkmaid calls to me. texhelena(at)aol(dot)com

  45. Beautiful Apron, I love the milkmaid apron:) Thanks for the chance to win a piece of your BEAUTIFUL work :)

  46. Your work is amazing! I love the top apron - with the high waist. Would love to sport that in my kitchen!

  47. I love #3 the full flouncy one. My email is scb.jsb at gmail dot com. Thanks!

  48. I really think the milkmaid apron is clever. Thanks for the giveaway! tabris02 @

  49. They are all beautiful! My vote goes to the milkmaid. cjdooley at gmail dot com. Thanks!

  50. I love the milkmaid apron!!! Beautiful :)

    noca0603 at

  51. I'd pick the flouncy full apron! Lovely work!

  52. You make wonderful aprons! I love the milkmaid apron the best, but then again I love about anything with a Victorian feel. The regency apron is really lovely as well.

    Thank you for the chance to enter this drawing. :)

  53. I love them all but I think #1 would fit best.
    Thanks for the opportunity and I hope I win! :)

  54. what a difficult choice for whoever wins. :)
    I love the half apron but I need a full one when I cook, so I would choose #3.

  55. I love them all, but the regency would really be fun to wear over my burgeoning baby belly. :-)

    ceitagh at gmail dot com

  56. Wow - those aprons are so freaking cute!!
    I would love to own the #2 Milkmaid apron!

    rachaelroyce [at] gmail [dot] com :)

  57. I love all the aprons, but I think I would choose the flouncy apron! Thanks!
    deserae (at) gmail (dot) com

  58. The regency is gorgeous. it is so timeless. Thank you for the giveaway.

  59. Love them all but I think I would chose the first one - the Regency. So classic and pretty! You make beautiful aprons!

  60. all absolutely gorgeous - it's hard to choose but the regency gets my vote

  61. nice to see the thought that goes into the design.
    I like #2
    thanks for sharing

  62. Your aprons are amazing! I love them all, but the milkmaid is super cut and might make me even enjoy cooking! Thanks for the give-away chances! dthesingatrochesterdotrrdotcom

  63. Milkmaid Apron, definitely!

    G'Day! I'm here for the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! Please visit me, too:

    Homemaker Honey
    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  64. I have spent the last 20 mins pouring over your apron designs. All three are wonderful and I'm in a stale mate :) If you had my hand over an open fire until I HAD to choose I guess it would be the Regency apron. I may just have to do some etsy shopping :) Thank you for your time in coordinating your May Giveaway Day. Fab aprons! You're very talented!

  65. Wow, that navy striped regency apron is beyond awesome...thanks for the giveaway, and you are totally going on the blog roll (first addition today! Lucky you, lucky me :))

  66. the milk maid apron is the best.

  67. I love the flouncy full apron :)

    I love wearing an apron in the kitchen! :) It makes cleaning more fun :P



  68. Oh my goodness! I love the second one! You're so talented!

  69. ooh, they are all so pretty, I think I like the milkmaid one the best though, it's so original! Thanks for the chance to win, x

    jennifer grace @ hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk

  70. Love the full flouncy apron...looks very cute

  71. #1 -- I love your aprons, Stephanie. You are truly an artist!
    chorinek @

  72. I love the millkmaid apron what a great design! My email is kristen ((at)) kangamamas ((.)) com

  73. I am loving the Milkmaid apron! :) What a clever fabric you used!

  74. I love the milkmaid apron. And I totally agree with you--we should wear aprons just for the cuteness factor! leahclaireh(at)gmail(dot)com

  75. Oh! That Regency inspired one is so pretty. :)

    leigh7911 at gmail dot com

  76. I think they're all lovely but I'm really drawn to the regency apron. I love the clean lines, the empire waist, and the navy stripes. Thank you for these great offerings.

  77. All I have to say is WOW! I'm all over either the Regency Inspired Apron or the Milkmaid Apron. They are both so amazing and I can't believe you designed them. What amazing talent you have!


  78. Your aprons are amazing! I can't decide between regency or the milkmaid. Love them both.

  79. Your Flouncy Full Apron, is nothing short of inspiring. It makes me want to put it on and do a day of baking!


  80. They are all great, but I LOVE the Regency apron. I love the empire waist and fabric. So romantic.


  81. I like number 2!
    the bustle is darling!

    RP from bbc (at) gmail (dot) com

  82. I love the milk maid apron.

    dkottosen at yahoo dot com

  83. I love the Milk maid apron! It is just so unique! And I am a major history nerd! :)

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. oh my goodness, they've lovely!!!

    i'm absolutely swooning over the Regency Inspired Apron, so that's the one i'll put my name in for.

    thank you for the chance - i'm definitely bookmarking the blog & the etsy site!!!

    my email: mariarenna3000 AT gmail DOT com

  86. love love love the Milkmaid Apron.

  87. These are AMAZING. One of the best things about Giveaway Day is the opportunity it gives to find new artists. I will definitely be coming back to your blog! (And, it's a tough decision, but I think I'd have to go with the milkmaid apron. So fun!)

  88. Well, first I've got to say they are ALL gorgeous. Your fabrics are beautiful! I'd pick the 3rd though, because for me, I'm messy enough that I prefer a full apron, and I like the cute/modern look of that one best.

  89. Oh the milkmaid one is gorgeous! (I'm more of a chickenmaid, but you know....)

  90. Ack, my cousin left his google info on my computer and my comment is under his name! (Dustin) It should have been Oops, sorry!

  91. i absolutely love the flouncy full apron

  92. All three are beautiful but for me I love the Milkmaid apron. I mean...LOVE it!

    redzshadow at gmail dot com

  93. great giveaway. I love the flouncy apron. It is super cute, and you are very talented!

  94. I think I'd choose the Regency apron. I definitely need my top half covered when I'm cooking--and sometimes eating ;-)

  95. Oooh, I love your aprons - a fresh look! Both the Regency and Milkmaid are wonderful - I'd be thrilled with either one. I love that they are a bit unique and a bit beyond the standard aprons you see about! I think my email attaches but just in

  96. I think all your aprons are awesome, but that Milkmaid one is the BEST!! Now I gotta go back and check out the rest of your blog. Great work!!

  97. woops, I am not sure if i left my email... I love the second apron!

  98. ummmm the regency apron is BEAUTIFUL! I would LOVE to have one of my own :)


  99. They are all lovely but I like 3. Flouncy Full Apron best!

  100. These are all so beautiful and I love the inspiration from different time periods. I like the regency apron best. Just became a follower too!

  101. I *love* the milkmaid apron! What great designs!

    needlegrrl at gmail

  102. Way too hard to choose an apron. They're all so great. I think the flouncy one is my favorite.

    limor477 at aol dot com

  103. I love the navy stripes!

  104. I love love love the flouncy apron! it is gorgeous! amberortega at gmail dot com

  105. i love the Flouncy Full Apron, I always wanted to make one.

  106. While the regency apron is fabulous, my fav would be the milkmaid. I would use it so much more. Love your fabric selections. Thanks for the giveaway!

  107. Oh, your Regency apron has stolen my heart. Thank you for the opportunity to win such beautiful aprons (note: my email address can be found on my blogger profile linked to this comment...)


  108. I absolutely LOVE the Regency apron! So very classic and chic. Thanks for the chance to win!

  109. Beautiful aprons, if I won I'd choose the regency inspired apron, I love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

    okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com

  110. your aprons are THE BEST EVER! i'm such a huge fan! i would adore the milkmaid apron. i have such a fondness for bustle-y skirts.

    thanks so much!

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. I would choose the milkmaid! It's so gorgeous and feminine.

  113. The milkmaid and regency inspired aprons are fabulous!!!! I'd wear them all day!

  114. I LOVE both apron #1 and #2. They're so cute. I think my top choice would be the first one because I find full aprons the most practical. However, that Milk maid one is too cute to pass up!

  115. All three aprons are beautiful, but for me the Regency one would work best. I need full coverage AND style. Plus when I'm baking I usually have a Gibson Girl hairdo. :)

  116. I love all of your aprons. The milk maid one is my favorite. Thanks you for the give away.

  117. I like apron 1 the best, even though they are all very pretty! Thanks for the chance to win!

    grokgrace (at) hotmail (dot) com

  118. They're all gorgeous, but I adore the Milkmaid apron! :)

  119. Wow love your aprons! I would pick the the buttons to make it draped, so creative. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  120. Love all of them. I just love the clever use of the bottons and loops give the apron a total different look. I think the one I would wear the most is the Flouncy Full Apron. I just see myself cooking a fancy dinner or a everyday dinner wearing that. Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. these are super cute aprons...i love how you relate them to an era. all our beautiful, but the milkmaid one is my fave.

  123. It's a tough choice, but I think I'm going to have to go with the Milkmaid apron. They're all so lovely though.

    alissa dot ridenour at gmail dot com

    forgot the e-mail before. oops

  124. I LOVE all of your work! Fabulous! But, if forced to choose, I pick the second one.

  125. I absolutely love your aprons!!I love them all but I think the regency one is my favorite. Great give away thanks!

  126. The milkmaid apron is gorgeous! I love it!


  127. I LOVE apron #3.

  128. I like ALL of them! My favorite is the Milkmaid Apron! Fun and sassy!

  129. Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

    I like the milkmaid apron. So cute!

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  130. I love all of hard to decided.... I think that I like the regency inspired because I can see that one working the best on bread making day!

  131. Beautiful aprons! It is hard to choose which one, but I think #3 would be best for me, as I tend to get messy all over! BTW, both of my sisters-in-law live in Austin -- what a great city to be a crafter! Thanks for sharing your work.

  132. I love the flouncy apron. :-) Cute!

  133. Thank you for such a generous giveaway!! My goodness so tricky to choose I♥ all 3!! I think the milkmaid is the winner though (♥ the buttons)

  134. Love the milkmaid apron! And as a nursing mama, I feel a lot like a milkmaid! ;)

  135. Love them all, I think I'd pick the milkmaid apron!

  136. What wonderful aprons. I like the Regency Inspired apron.

  137. i'm a full time cook so i don't usually get excited about aprons but i have fallen in love with your milkmaid apron!

  138. LOVE the Regency apron! Practical, yet feminine and lovely. :)

  139. I would love to win #2, the milkmaid apron!

    I love looking at all of your designs on your blog!


  140. Very tough choice, but the milkmaid apron is my favorite! Thanks for the chance to win!

    ravensrascals at gmail dot com

  141. The Milkmaid Apron is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. (I really liked the regency inspired one as well.) I looked around your shop for the milkmaid apron, just in case I don't win, but didn't see it there. Thanks for the opportunity to win one. All three are lovely.

    :) Sheila

  142. I just love the milkmaid apron. The fabrics are lovely and it is versatile (I LOVE that!).

    Celina Tillero

  143. Wow, all three aprons are so gorgeous, it's hard to choose! I do like the Regency one best though, because I love the empire waist, and I often need a "full coverage" apron, cause I'm a messy cook! Thanks for the giveaway.

  144. Oh my goodness, I love the Milkmaid apron soo much! It has so much thought put into it and is a true piece of art! If I didn't bake before, I surely will now! Amazing job. Thanks so much for the giveaway!


  145. I adore and covet the milkmaid apron!!! Actually, I love them all, but that one in particular. So glad I visited here! Thanks for the chance to win!

  146. They're all beautiful! If I win, I'll let you choose.

  147. Wow! Your aprons are great. I love the second apron. The whole bustle part is pure genious! Like my butt needs to look any bigger. LOL But I still would wear it everywhere.

  148. I love love love the Milkmaid apron! What an amazing design!!!

  149. What fabulous aprons! I love, love, love milkmaid.

  150. Flouncy Full Apron is my favourite!

  151. Love your attention to detail, just fabulous! I live the flouncy full apron, thanks for the chance to win it!

  152. I love the milkmaid apron! I'm willing to bet a girl can't put one on without wanting to do the can-can dance!
    Thanks for participating in the giveaway and keep up the good work.


  153. oh my goodness. All your aprons are gorgeous. I'd be lucky to own any, but if I had to choose:
    The Milkmaid!!! I love love love it and might possibly wear it all the time regardless of if I require an apron or not!
    Great giveaway! I'd be delighted to win!


  154. Ooh, I love them all! But I think the flouncy apron would fit my body best. Thanks so much for the chance!

  155. Oh, the milkmaid apron is INCREDIBLE! I love all three, but that one is my fav. Thank you so much for the chance to win and for some really fun apron inspiration!

  156. i love aprons and that milkmaid beauty is simply stunning!! the empire one is also gorgeous. love your style! you are very talented. thanks for the opportunity! :)

  157. I love the Regency one. I like a lot about that time period.

  158. I love all three...but my favorite is the milkmaid apron. I totally agree with you too...wearing an apron is fun AND functional!


  159. They're all beautiful, but my favorite is definitely the Milkmaid apron!

  160. #1! Blairandsteven at yahoo

  161. I think that I like the full skirted half apron because it is so different. They are all amazing, thanks for the chance to win.

  162. The milkmaid apron is wonderful! I would love to win it, but the recency style apron is great too. I actually have a pattern for it and may have to make it. Thanks for the giveaway. scarletteandcinnamon(at)gmail(dot)com

  163. I love the milkmaid apron! Too cute! bluejeanpearls {at} gmail {dot} com

  164. Oh wow, I love the fun super-full skirted half apron. Really, I'm a sucker for any apron, but that one is just fantastic!

  165. I love the mid-skirt version. It's kinda sexy which I am.

  166. Wow. So hard to choose! I would probably go with the last one because I just love the floral fabric, but I really love them all, that one that bustles is fantastic!!! I made aprons for Christmas gifts last year, so I'm super impressed...they are tough!

  167. The milkmaid apron is so fabulous I can't contain myself! I think every woman should have something that bustles!!

  168. I am torn b/w the milkmaid and the regency!


    amhenninger at gmail dot com

  169. Stephanie - I am so utterly blown away by your aprons!! I sew aprons too but nothing like yours! The Regency is my fave. Thanks for the chance to win. I hope this SMS Giveaway brings you lots of new customers!

  170. I love these aprons. We make our own bread, so we need something to cover our outfits with! I love #1. My email is graciemattox(at)yahoo(dot) com

    Thank you!

  171. I love aprons! Yours are wonderful. I would really like the third one. Thanks for the chance to win!

  172. I love the victorian apron, super fancy!

    Thanks for the giveaway

    Sarah @ Kiwi Gets Crafty

  173. I love your Regency apron! Beautiful...well they are all beautiful:)

  174. All of them are great but my favorite would be number 3

  175. Love the second apron! Great giveaway and such talent - you should be proud! Thanks bunches!

  176. Oh my goodness, I would be over the moon happy with either of the first two. They are both so special.

    Thanks for the chance!

  177. that regency apron is to die for. Thanks for making it and giving it away!

  178. I LOVE the regency apron! So awesome! I love that time period as well! Thanks a lot!

  179. Your regency apron is fantastic! And practical to boot. The floucy one is really cute, too. Nice giveaway!

  180. Your aprons are so pretty! I especially adore the milkmaid apron.

  181. Your aprons are so pretty! I especially adore the milkmaid apron.

  182. Love love love no. 3. the colors that you mixed work so well

  183. I LOVE all of them, but if I'm the lucky winner, I'd love the milkmaid apron. Thanks!!


  184. What adorable aprons!! I do have to say that the first one is my favorite...the Victorian or did you call it the Reginsy? No idea....forgot already! But I love it! I just wonder if it would fit over my bust!!!

  185. I adore all of the aprons! Since I have to declare a favorite, though, I reckon I'd choose the Milkmaid... thank you for the chance to win!


  186. I love the layered #2 milkmaid apron. So fun. Thanks for the chance.

  187. I LOVE the first apron. SO SO SO pretty!

  188. They're all beautiful but I have to say I like the milkmaid apron. It's flirty and cute!
    The apron giveaways to use up your stash sound great.

  189. My favorite is the third one, but they are all lovely! Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  190. I love the milkmaid apron!! It is so fun and I would feel very special wearing that. :) Thanks for the chance to win!!


    HappyQuilting at DewberryLane dot com

  191. These are no ordinary aprons, my friend! Wow.
    I really like the middle one with the bustling going on. That's amazing! encutshall (at) gmail (dot) com
