Thursday, May 19, 2011

Choose My ORANGE Fabric

Ok, we're going down the rainbow now! I have to admit, I had to cheat a little this time because I really don't have that much orange fabric, it's just not a color I usually gravitate towards. So one of my fabrics has orange in it, but is not necessarily primarily orange.

That being said, tell me which fabric you like best. Whichever fabric you help me pick (I'll choose whichever gets the most votes), I'm going to have to use it ALL up...that means NO leftover scraps like I usually have. Most of what I make will likely end up for sale in my Etsy shop.

Once I've used it all up, I'll choose something I made with the chosen fabric to give away! Here are this week's fabric choices:

Click on the image for a closer look! I've included a quarter to give you some sense of scale (thanks to Cynthia for the suggestion!)

The first is my "cheat," a coppery orange damask on a teal background. This combo reminds me a bit of oxidized copper! I think I have about a yard, maybe a bit less, of this one. The second is a smaller print, maroon curly cues on an orange background, of which I have about 2 yards. The third is a true orange damask, the lighter part is creamy, almost yellow (which is hard to see in the pics.) I have one yard of this one.

All you need to do to enter the giveaway is:
*Leave a comment with your VOTE on which fabric I should use up this week or which one is your favorite, and

*Include an EMAIL ADDRESS where I can contact you should you win, (US residents only, sorry!). You can do this either by

  1. Making sure your email is available through your blogger profile. (See here for help with that)

  2. Leaving your email address in your comment.

  3. Emailing me at mllevaleur (at) hotmail (dot) com with your email address, subject line "Giveaway email"

If I can't find a way to contact you, I'll just have to pick someone else, so make sure to do one of the above! :-)

I'll choose the winner randomly from among those who voted for the winning fabric, since I'd hate to send someone an item made from a fabric they don't love!

Please submit your vote before Saturday evening at midnight (central time). I'll update this post with the winner on Sunday, and then get to work! Check back at the latest on Friday to see what I've made, and of course to see who has won the giveaway and what they won!


UPDATE: And with a good 3/4 of the vote, #3 is our winner! I'll use it up by Friday, and announce the winner of the giveaway when I post what I've made.

Also keep a look out for a bonus giveaway this week, as I'm participating in Sew, Mama, Sew's May Giveaway Day. This one will be open to international readers as well! How exciting! :-)

Thanks for your votes, everyone!


  1. The third one gets my vote. It's GORGEOUS!

  2. 3 definitely! you have the best taste in fabric!

  3. Oooh, #3! I want it, yes I do! LOL

  4. I'm torn between the first one and the third one. I think I'll vote for the third one as well! That would be so gorgeous in so many ways!

  5. 3 gets my vote!

    Hrhaimee at yahoo dot com.

  6. #3 For SURE! It reminds me of Cinderella's pumpkin coach.

  7. I really like fabric #1. That has my vote because it feels more subdued. tabris02 @

  8. It was close between #1 and #3 but I'm going to go with #3. saponaria @ gmail dot com

  9. The third one! Love it.

    Ajrichert @

  10. Well, I tried to have Aurora choose one and her choice was "fabic alphadet on it!" (the fabric with the alphabet on it) while pointing at your little header sign. Oh well. :)

    I like #3! Lynarri at

  11. Fabric number 3!

    CLPP65 AT gmail DOT com

  12. #3 here also -gorgeous fabric - can't wait to see what you make

  13. Immediately I thought #3. Love it!

  14. Number 3.
    You have great taste in fabric.

  15. #3 is my favorite. Very pretty!

  16. I vote for 1, although 3 is also gorgeous. :)

  17. 3!! Definitely:)

  18. Man, I dunno whether to go with number 1 or 3, but I think number 3 wins out.

  19. Apparently I am out of step with the world because I really like the second one--I think I've used something like this fabric in a quilt (at least one quilt) and I really love the color combination!

  20. I normally don't care for orange, but #2 is gorgeous!

  21. Orange is my signature color, and I'm in love with #3. When I quit my job to work at home with my own business, I painted my office orange. The accents in my office are black and white damask. This #3 fabric is perfect and makes my heart sing! Tell me I'm the winner at!

  22. #3!!! Love it
    Ramona Strojevs

  23. It doesn't look like it's going to win, but I love the first one.

  24. I like the antique look (and the colors!) of the first one myself. :-)

  25. Love number two!

  26. is hard to choose this time. I like both #1 and #3. I like #1's pattern and #3's brightness. Ok, I guess I can pick only one of them, so...#3 it is! Thanks for the chance.

  27. #3! lildukeshorty at yahoo dot com

  28. I actually LOVE all of them, but #3 is my absolute fav.

  29. Number 3. It is like the color of a blood orange.

  30. Love all three, but #2 is my favorite. Guess I'm a statistical outlier. ;-)

    stephanie . meldrum @ hotmail . com

  31. I love them all, but I'm voting for 2, just to make it hard :)

  32. I love #3.

  33. #3!

    Hard to decide between 1 and 3, but I really love the large bold pattern of 3.

  34. #1 is my vote (I'm dreaming of a Regency apron made from it...)
