Friday, August 12, 2011

Choose my AQUA & BROWN Fabric

Alright, next up is another very popular color combo, aqua (or blue) and brown!

So, you know the drill, tell me which fabric you like best. Whichever fabric you help me pick (I'll choose whichever gets the most votes), I'm going to have to use it ALL up...that means NO leftover scraps like I usually have. Most of what I make will likely end up for sale in my Etsy shop.

Once I've used it all up, I'll choose something I made with the chosen fabric to give away! Here are this week's fabric choices:

Click on the image for a closer look! I've included a quarter to give you some sense of scale.

The first is a lovely kind of subtle aqua and brown floral damask type print. The second is a much less subtle aqua and brown damask. The third is closer to a blue than an aqua, but it's still a greenish blue, and has a brown whispy damask print on it. I have about a yard or so of each. And yes I know, these are basically three variations on damask, lol.

All you need to do to enter the giveaway is:
*Leave a comment with your VOTE on which fabric I should use up this week or which one is your favorite, and

*Include an EMAIL ADDRESS where I can contact you should you win, (US and Canada residents only, sorry!). You can do this either by

  1. Making sure your email is available through your blogger profile. (See here for help with that)

  2. Leaving your email address in your comment.

  3. Emailing me at mllevaleur (at) hotmail (dot) com with your email address, subject line "Giveaway email"

  4. OR if I know you from a forum somewhere, leave your SCREEN NAME so I know who you are!

If I can't find a way to contact you, I'll just have to pick someone else, so make sure to do one of the above! :-)

I'll choose the winner randomly from among those who voted for the winning fabric, since I'd hate to send someone an item made from a fabric they don't love!

Please submit your vote before Saturday evening at midnight (central time). I'll update this post with the winning fabric on Sunday, and then get to work! Check back at the latest on Friday to see what I've made, and of course to see who has won the giveaway and what they won!

Choose my fabric! :-)

UPDATE: Well, we have our first tie! (Including some votes via a message board I frequent.) I decided to toss a coin to see which fabric wins...and the winner is #2! Check back soon to see what was made and who wins the giveaway. :-)


  1. I'm going to go with #2 on this one! :)

    ~Missy (2much2dob at Delphi)

  2. I'm going to go with #3 on this one!

  3. My 2.5 yr old daughter loves looking at the fabric choices each week! She says "fabic! 'ike 'ooking at fabic!" :)

    Anyways, we vote for #3!

    Lynarri at

  4. My vote is for #2. It's quite striking.

    tabris02 @

  5. Oh I love number 2! I'm Karen10051 at NFP!

  6. They're all gorgeous, but fabric #2 is my favorite! (Lisa10481 on NFP)

  7. I'm voting for no 2. So pretty! I'm wisegal75 at NFP.

  8. #1 but I think I'm in the minority here.

  9. Letgoletgod likes the first one!!!

  10. i like #2 best!

    supersharmie at gmail dot com

  11. Love #3! I'm working with aqua & black to make a baby quilt for a friend.:) Love these colors together. pnglittlefield at gmail dot com

  12. That's a tough one, I really like all three of them. But if I have to pick it will #3.

  13. I vote for #1
    Annemarie4 on delphi

  14. ooh, I think #3 is sooo pretty!

  15. I like #3 as it looks for French!

  16. I think #3 is my favorite this time.
