Saturday, August 20, 2011

AQUA & BROWN Creations and Winner

Aaaaand we're back! Apologies for my tardiness, it has just been one of those weeks. ;-) Without further delay, here is the giveaway item this week:

A fabric covered frame!

More decoupage magic, and it's sealed with decoupage glue as well so it will be nice and sturdy.

I just love covering up plain old wood with pretty fun!

Next up is an apron!

Just a simple little half apron with a double flounce on the bottom, it's up for sale here. I love these fabrics together! This combo was one of those chance match-ups where I just happened to have it sitting out while digging through my stash and the sight of the other fabric right next to it caught my eye and I said, "Yes! That's what I'll use." :-)

I also made another plastic bag dispenser...

which is in my shop here. I just love how quickly these go together! I've yet to make myself one but I'm planning on it.

And finally, I made a meal planner, like the one I made for myself here.

It could also be used as a chore chart, or a scheduling tool, anything you can think to write on a 3x5 notecard works! This has really helped me cut my meal planning time down drastically, I love just being able to look through a stack of meals and pick one and slide it beside a day of the week. It has helped me remember all my grocery needs as well, as I'm always forgetting something!

This one is up for sale in my shop here.

I also made a couple sets of coasters, and several tissue holders but haven't gotten around to listing them yet and taking pics, but I'll post a link as soon as I do. :-)

Alright, now for the winner this week...

CHERYL!! Congrats! :-) I'll be contacting you shortly to get your address.

Ok, since I'm a day late I'll be posting the next color combo fabric soon, and I'll leave it up through Sunday to vote. I'm excited about the next one!

Thanks everyone!

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