Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Look!

Photo courtesy of the Daily Mail

So one again it's been quite a while since my last post, but for good reason! I've been busy sewing up a storm this past year, and getting more and more comfortable using patterns and making clothes, both for myself and other people! I also gave my Etsy store a name change, from Aux Belles Choses (which was often hard for people to understand and a nightmare to spell, lol) to the much simpler S. Lochet Designs, and a makeover to accompany it, which I'm quite pleased with. I decided to keep my blog name the same, as it expresses exactly what I love to blog about - beautiful things!

I could call 2014 the Year of Dresses, as I made a grand total of 20+ dresses! Somewhere around 10 for myself, and at least 10 dresses for other people, including 5 retro inspired extremely poufy tulle bridesmaid dresses, which I'll be posting about soon. This is definitely a personal record! As I've gotten more comfortable making dresses, I've missed sharing the process with the blogging world, but I just hadn't gotten back in the documenting habit quite yet. This year, though, I definitely want to change that and I'm planning on documenting much more of my sewing to blog about regularly!

In addition, I plan to have some recurring weekly blog posts, one just sharing "Pinspiration," pretty things found on Pinterest that inspire me. (If you'd like, you can follow me on Pinterest.) I also plan to share some of my Instagram shots, which often tend to be in the middle of sewing projects. (@slochet on Instagram.) These are easy, quick posts that I know I can stick to because they won't take much time, but which totally relate to my creative process and will hopefully keep my blogging momentum going.

I'm very excited about this year, and I can't wait to start sharing more of my sewing projects! As for what I'll be sewing, I think I might want to start with something I've never sewn before - a coat! I'd love to hear your own sewing plans for the new year, dreaming up new potential projects is probably my favorite part. :-)

May your 2015 be filled with happiness and creativity!

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