Friday, July 29, 2011

Choose My BLACK & WHITE Fabric

Alright everyone, we're officially done with the rainbow! So what now? I'm going to post some fabrics with certain popular color pairings, since I have quite a few with similar colors! First up is that classic combo, black and white. I *LOVE* black and white, I love that you can add a little burst of any color to black and white and it looks amazing.

So, you know the drill, tell me which fabric you like best. Whichever fabric you help me pick (I'll choose whichever gets the most votes), I'm going to have to use it ALL up...that means NO leftover scraps like I usually have. Most of what I make will likely end up for sale in my Etsy shop.

Once I've used it all up, I'll choose something I made with the chosen fabric to give away! Here are this week's fabric choices:

Click on the image for a closer look! I've included a quarter to give you some sense of scale.

The first is a sweet floral pattern, I have less than a yard of that one. The second stripe fabric does actually have some color in it, but it's mostly black and white. And the third is a damask. (Notice a pattern? Lol...I seem to always have a damask, clearly I love the stuff!)

All you need to do to enter the giveaway is:
*Leave a comment with your VOTE on which fabric I should use up this week or which one is your favorite, and

*Include an EMAIL ADDRESS where I can contact you should you win, (US and Canada residents only, sorry!). You can do this either by

  1. Making sure your email is available through your blogger profile. (See here for help with that)

  2. Leaving your email address in your comment.

  3. Emailing me at mllevaleur (at) hotmail (dot) com with your email address, subject line "Giveaway email"

  4. OR if I know you from a forum somewhere, leave your SCREEN NAME so I know who you are!

If I can't find a way to contact you, I'll just have to pick someone else, so make sure to do one of the above! :-)

I'll choose the winner randomly from among those who voted for the winning fabric, since I'd hate to send someone an item made from a fabric they don't love!

Please submit your vote before Saturday evening at midnight (central time). I'll update this post with the winning fabric on Sunday, and then get to work! Check back at the latest on Friday to see what I've made, and of course to see who has won the giveaway and what they won!

Choose my fabric! :-)

UPDATE: And the winner is #1, thanks for voting! Check back before Friday to see what was created and who won the giveaway. :-)


  1. #3!

    I think you can find me if needed. ;)

  2. #2 is my favorite! ~Missy msmissywl at yahoo

  3. Clara30 from NFP.

    Can I have something with all three fabrics? They're all gorgeous!

    I guess if I have to choose, I choose #3!

  4. #3 is definitely my favorite! I love seeing everything you make with your fabrics. Those clipboards were so cute this week! :)

  5. #3 for sure! LOVE IT!

  6. My vote is for #2, I love the sweet old fashion look of it.


  7. Love Love Love #3!!!

  8. I always like the damask, but I love it in black and white! #3 has my vote!

  9. I like #1.

    I would also like to take this time to say that I would really love some tutorials from you -- like the decoupage canister, for example. You say "quick and easy" and I think "all-day project" but I'm sure some direction and pictures would change my mind...maybe (ha).

    Share your knowledge with us wanna-be crafters. Pretty please?

  10. Becky I will definitely think about doing some tutorials! I've never done one because, frankly, I'm lazy. Lol! But I do think it would be fun to do. Thanks for the suggestion. :-)

  11. Wow, this one is pretty close but I'm going to go with number 3 :)

  12. The first one!! It's gorgeous :-)

    juliecgreen from delphi

  13. #1 is very cute...I'm working with black/white and turquoise right now...making a baby quilt.:) pnglittlefield at gmail dot com

  14. #1! (cherryberi from the board)

  15. #1 it is. I love the pattern.

  16. Number one! All are so pretty, though!

  17. #3 Very pretty! know where you can find me :D

  18. #1 is my favourite! invisibleinsanity @ hotmail dot com and I'm aurora792. Love them!

  19. #3!!!! Please rig it so I can win!!! LOL. ~MegNFP

  20. Here's a haiku for you:

    How I love number
    Three, black and white damask is
    the best choice for me

    It's Nina here.

  21. I love #1! So pretty!

    Valerie from the board

  22. Love #3!
    blairandsteven AT yahoo
