Monday, May 23, 2011

May Giveaway Day

Bienvenue! Welcome to all my visitors today, new and old! I'm so excited to participate in my first Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway day.

My name is Stephanie, and I'm fairly obsessed with gorgeous fabrics which inspire me and give me the itch to make something pretty. My most common use of fabric is to make aprons, and so that is what I decided to give away today.

Then I had to decide which style apron to give away...and I couldn't! So, I decided to let you choose.

My aprons are a little bit different than most, in that I often use the fashion of specific time periods as inspiration for them. The truth is, I never outgrew wanting to play dress-up! So, I see an apron as both a functional, practical aid, but also a quick and easy way to play dress up for a while, even if you're wearing jeans underneath. ;-)

The first apron I ever designed was inspired by the empire waists of the Regency era. If I had a signature apron, this would likely be it! Here I am modeling one of the very first ones I made, so you can see the criss cross back and how it looks on:

And this navy striped Regency Inspired apron is one of the three the giveaway winner can choose from!

Another time period I absolutely adore is the Victorian era, all that fabric so stunningly draped and pleated. LOVE! I played around with some Victorian aprons, but a while back I designed what I called the Milkmaid apron which I think also fits in the victorian category with the overskirt and all. I modified it a bit this time, adding a drop waist, but the cool thing about this one is it has two totally different looks.

First, there's a fun super-full skirted half apron.

But just for kicks, look closely and you'll see some buttons and loops...

to create a kind of bustly, drapey front!

Peek-a-boo! Yes, this is a double layered apron with its own sort of ruffled petticoat underneath.

Isn't it fun? And I just love these fabrics. There's also a pocket...

This is the second of the three choices the lucky winner could choose.

Finally, because I know not everyone is as into antique fashions as I am, I'm offering as the third of the choices one of my more modern designs, what I call the flouncy full apron. Simple and chic!

So if you'd like to enter to win one of these aprons, please leave a comment with:
1. Which apron you like best (1. Regency Inspired Apron 2. Milkmaid Apron 3. Flouncy Full Apron)
2. Your email address (Either in your profile or in the comment, as long as I can find it! If I can't I'm going to have to pick another winner so make sure it's somewhere!)

Entries will be accepted through Wednesday, and on Thursday I'll announce the winner and contact them by email. I will ship to you wherever you are in the world, so everyone is welcome to enter.

Just FYI, I'm currently doing a weekly giveaway series, asking people to help me choose fabrics to use up and then I give away an item made with the chosen fabric. :-) It's a GREAT way to use up my stash! Check it out if you're interested, and if you're on facebook you can follow my facebook page where I post reminders about the weekly giveaway contest so you can enter.

And if you should fall in love with any of my designs and don't end up winning, I do sell them in my Etsy shop! Custom orders are always welcome. Also, whichever 2 aprons don't get chosen by the winner will be up for sale in my shop once the giveaway is over!

Well I think that about does it. I'm so thrilled you stopped by, and I can't wait to check out the other amazing blogs doing giveaways today! Bonne chance!!

Update: Thank you SO MUCH for the wonderful comments and feedback, I'm just blown away by the overwhelming response. Please check back tomorrow morning to find out who the lucky winner is! :-)


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The Villain said...

I like the Regency Inspired apron!

Jenilyn said...

I love the Milkmaid apron! It's so girly!! Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm hosting a giveaway as well at!

Skooks said...

They're all quite lovely. #2 and #3 are my favorites!


caroline said...

The regency inspired is amazing. I love that era as well.
So gonna follow you on FB

Jenny said...

Flouncy-full for me, if I am lucky enough to win. Thanks a lot.

hilary said...

So lovely. And so different. I am just completely in love with the Regency-style striped apron.

Jennifer said...

I love the milkmaid apron. The bustle is so cute. I might be inspired to play housewife in it! Your aprons are beautiful.

Wehaf said...

The second apron is definitely my favorite! How fabulous!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Susan said...

LOVE your aprons and especially the full flouncy one. I just love the beautiful design and the fabric of that one! The milkmaid apron is lovely as well...just wanted to add that. :-) Thanks for offering such beautiful items in the contest!!!

Julie said...

Oh my! How talented are you? Difficult to decide, but I believe the flouncy full apron is my favorite. What a great giveaway! :-)

Shana Putnam said...

I love the regency inspired apron. Well really I love all of them.

nicole said...

since i'm a messy cook, i need a full length one! the first would match my kitchen, but the last is soooo cute! how do you decide??

beautiful work!

thanks for the sweet giveaway!
email is in my profile
or nicmowat (AT) gmail (dot) com

Charlene said...

What beautiful work you do! While I love the flouncy apron, your milkmaid apron is so much fun, I might just have to go with that one. Thanks!

Dreaming Monet said...

awesome designs - i really love #s 1 and 2. i'd ask you which would fit a plus-sized mama the best... i wear about an 18! thanks for the chance to win.

The AfterCraft said...

Oh my goodness that first one is amazing I really really hope I win because I love aprons and that is a yummy one.

Esther said...

Those are gorgeous! I love the detail and thought that went into the Milkmaid apron. Thanks!

Cherie said...

All three of these are super cute. My favorite is the milkmaid. Love it! However, if I were to win I think I would choose the regency one. I think I would use it more often. epeanut79 at comcast dot net

Maggie said...

I love the regency apron!

Stephanie said...

They are all beautiful! My first choice is the rengency inspired apron. :-)

stephanie dot meldrum at hotmail dot com

Robyn said...

I love number two but think I'd get more use out of number three!

Foster Mom said...

love love love!! LOVE THE MILKMAID! Congratulations on tremendous publicity!

elisabethym at gmail

Blessed and Broken said...

oy, that was from me

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Love you blog and enjoyed reading how you post about use up the fabric with 3 to pick from. Gives you a little push to get it sewn up. Gosh and on which apron, the first would really do a great job on covering, the secound and third are so cute. Gotta go with the first one.

Unknown said...

so sweet, thanks for the chance to win! 1 & 2 are so fun, I love that they are unusual

MooBear Designs said...

Milkmaid all the way...

xo Steph

Anonymous said...

I love #2! but I like the full apron of #3 too!

I always look at your aprons and one day either through winning or buying I will own several of them!

You are so talented!


wintermermaid (at)

cheryl said...

Love your aprons, what a great blog. I think that my favorite is the regency one.

mamaTAVE said...

The milkmaid apron is so lovely. How clever to make bustles! I think I might even enjoy cleaning my house if I were wearing that apron. ;-)
Thank you for the opportunity!

Christine D. | The Plumed Nest said...

oh my gosh! i will definitely be back, will like your facebook page and find you on etsy too! i love your era inspired designs. perfect! i don't know how i could chose between the first and second one!! i think if i win, i will just wear them around my house, like adult dress up clothes. I think I'd just have to let me surprise me, because i seriously can't choose!

Amanda said...

They are all lovely! I especially love the Flouncy Full Apron! Thanks for the giveaway!

Sasha said...

I love the milkmaid apron, that 'secret' layer is so clever!

Martina said...

Great aprons! Love all of them. Would choose the first one, just love stripes and blue!Thanks so much!

Danielle said...

I love the Regency apron. Thanks for the giveaway!

dcdyess289 (at) yahoo (dot) com

macca said...

Ohh man such a hard choice - I love the 2nd and 3rd ones. Probably would go for the 3rd one. Lovely giveaway

Tiffany said...

I love the milkmaid apron! It is so cute! Thank you so much for the chance to win it. :)

LaraM said...

Oooh, I think 1 and then 2 - apparently I'm really into antique aprons. These are so beautiful! I have a very messy toddler, so #1 definitely offers the most coverage!

Jasmine1485 said...

I love the third one, but my favourite is the Regency inspired apron, I haven't seen anything like it elsewhere :)

kate1485 at

Unknown said...

Your aprons are awesome!! I would love to win the flouncy one!

Cass said...

I love the look of the Victorian style apron, but the fabric of the Flouncy Full Apron is so gorgeous that it is the one that gets my vote. :)
You do beautiful work. I'll be having a browse of the rest of your blog soon.
Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Oh-my-goodness. I would love the regency era apron. That is too much fun!!! I would totally wear that at a Jane Austen Birthday Tea Party.

DangAndBlast! said...

Those are all excellent! (and I see you subscribe to my theory - pockets are good on an apron!)

Probably number 1, because, as much as I love the milkmaid one (so clever), I'm very messy and really need a full apron. And blue's my favorite color!

(wv, because it's silly: urstopet. What my kid brother says to my little sister.)

Tracy said...

I love your aprons! They are positively gorgeous. My favorite would have to be the regency one. It makes the little girl in me want to play dress up. :) Thank you for such a great giveaway! :)

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

Would love to win the milkmaid apron! I love it's little petticoat. :-)

zucchinisummer at gmail dot com

Yana said...

All of this apron is ADORABLE! I can't choose, honestly. #1 sophisticated pattern, #2 magnificent idea, #3 lovely design! you blast my brain!:))

Anonymous said...

Since I'm expecting and I'm always dropping grease and food on the bump... I'd have to say the regency apron! Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

Since I'm expecting and I'm always dropping grease and food on the bump... I'd have to say the regency apron! Thank you :)

Nanbon44 said...

they are all so cute... I would love to win any one of them... choice would be 2 or 1 no maybe 3 see I just can't choose... if I were the winner, just surprise me...

Gill said...

I like #3
Actually they're all gorgeous!!

K.Papageorge said...

I LOVE the Regency apron. It is unlike any 'handmade' apron I have seen out there.

Jingle said...

I would SO love the flouncy full apron! These are fabulous!!! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Deb said...

Wow - your aprons are beautiful! I love them all, but I think the flouncy one is my favorite. Thanks for the chance!

Ingeborg said...

thanks for your beautiful giveaway!
I love the milkmade skirt! those colors and fabrics are amazing!

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

I'm so in. I never knew an apron could be so rocking! I love them, love them all. If I'm so lucky to be the winner I think I would want Regency era but I'm not sure. Gads these are awesome. I'm a new follower and can't wait to see what's next.

Anonymous said...

I would love the chance to win the Regency-inspired apron! I'm definitely going to start following your blog too because while I knit and just recently started watching sewing blogs, I can appreciate how overwhelming a stash is and I love seeing everything you create from yours. ^_^

maerillem @ gmail dot com

Cheryl R said...

So hard to choose - but loving the full and flouncy - love the roses!

rosemeg said...

These are all so lovely! I really like the first one, but I think the second one, milkmaid, takes favorite for me. The girlie bustliness is just too fabulous!

Barbara said...

I love, love, love the milkmaid apron! Wonderful attention to detail!

Thanks for the opportunity!

adrienne said...

Wow!!! What an awesome giveaway :)

I love all three, but the first is definitely most practical for someone who cooks like I do....

Becky said...

I can't decide between milkmaid and flouncy full! I like them both. I'm so messy, I tend to go for a full apron, but i love the flouncy one -- so cute.

Leanna said...

Wow! You are a great seamstress! Thanks for the chance!

Kitty Vane said...

Your aprons are wonderful, thank you for having such a generous giveaway!
My favourtie pinny is the milkmaid one, I like that it's two looks in one. :)

My e-mail address is kitty.vane(at)

Djaj said...

these are not apron, they are great clothes pretending to be aprons ! I especially love the Regency Inspired Apron...

Fleurette said...

All your aprons are so beautiful but I really love the regency inspired apron. Thanks for the giveaway!

the frog princess said...

Gosh, I love the regency apron! So cool!

Anonymous said...


Sleen said...

What fun this must be :D
You can find me here:

Ashley said...

I like #2.

mrs.marcus2 at yahoo dot com

glendajune33 said...

wow...the milkmaid apron is email address is, do you ever make matching aprons for mother and daughter?..i love wearing aprons with her while we cook......

RyanSarahN said...

love that regency apron! thanks for the giveaway.

principeta said...

Lovely giveaway,I can't choose between 1 and 2.

Alice said...

I like the second one a lot.

Kristy said...

Love the beautiful Milkmaid apron!

Thanks for the fun!

Jo said...

I love the Milkmaid Apron most, but all three are lovely!

jo.tee35 AT gmail DOT com

Sarah said...

It is hard to choose my favorite between the regency and the milkmaid aprons! As much as I love the milkmaid apron, in order for it to be practical, I would probably need the full apron. (I'm a messy cook!)

thecarters said...

regency inspired, for sure! it's so beautiful! all of them are, really. thanks for the giveaway!

Ronny said...

I really like the flouncy full one! Beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jocelyn said...

I love the first apron! All of them are lovely though

A family of boys said...

Wow! Your aprons are absolutely gorgeous. I love, love, love that milkmaid apron.

Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Oh, pretty! I like the more modern one... but really, I like them all! Thanks so much!

lifeontheclothesline [at] gmail {dot} com

Emilie said...

I love the milkmaid apron, so cute!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Quilt Genius said...

What beautiful aprons! I would love to have apron #3, but it was a hard choice...


Jocelyn said...

Great giveaway! The aprons are beautiful! I love them all, but my favorite is #3. Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway Day.

Rebecca said...

I love the flouncy full apron. It is super cute. I love it. Thank you for the opportunity to win one. You make lovely aprons. Thanks again.

Linda Meyers-Gabbard said...

I love them all but I am a Plus Size woman so I don't know which one would possibly fit.

Ladyblueeyez1960 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

i simply can not pick. they are so beautiful! how DO you do it? the flouncy one is so fun, and the traditional one still has some twirl to it, and the empire waisted one is traditional but still has lovely lines.... if i win, and i SO hope i do... you'll ahve to pick for me...

Unknown said...

I love them all but my favorite is the Regency Inspired Apron


Cassandra {Sleeping or Sewing} said...

Hi Austin-y neighbor. I love the milkmaid apron.

Anonymous said...

I love the third apron, it's amazing! Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

StephanieS said...

I can't decide yet between milkmaid and regency inspired aprons. Could you ask me again if I win? Thanks for the chance to win. stephspitzer at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like the striped one :)

Betty said...

I love the Regency Inspired-It really speaks to me!

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter I would like the flouncy full apron


Sk8ter (dot) emily (at) gmail (dot) com

hueisei said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Lovely... I hope I am the lucky to win the #3 Flouncy Full Apron ^^

Eileen {bluebirdluxe} said...

How gorgeous are these aprons?! It seriously makes me want to host a dinner party and wear my Milkmaid apron all night! I'm so smitten with that apron! Goodness! Thank you for a fabulous giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the milkmaid! That would look great over jeans, and a pocket to boot! Swoon!

tngaston said...

I love the flouncy one, but the regency is me, through and through! Beautiful work!

Martin said...

Thanks for the giveaway. mwcallan5 at gmail dot com

The Regency apron, please.

Tina said...

I LOOOVE the flouncy skirt one!

babalisme said...

It's the milkmaid apron!! ohdeelayleeeooooh! I love it so much it made me sing!


rads said...

i love teh flouncy one

thanks for the giveaway


Anonymous said...

i just LOVE the layered apron with the buttons! however i also like the empire waisted one too! you make a beautiful product. :)

Jessica said...

Love that milkmaid apron. LOVE.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

your aprons are amazing. i had a hard time choosing. i think i will pick the milkmaid apron. i love how it can have 2 looks!

Jennyroo said...

Flouncy full apron! Lovely! Thanks for the chance to win!

Melissa said...

I am loving the creativity of your aprons:) I really love the milkmaid one, though:) It is sooo me! Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway:)

xTroublex said...

I like the Milkmaid one.


Memories By Me said...

Oh how I love anything antique looking ! I love the Milkmade and regency! But would be blessed to receive any! thanks for the chance to win!

crafter1953 said...

I love your aprons. The first thing I did when I got my first sewing machine was aprons for christmas gifts and I had so may good conments from the family so thought I had bought them. Thank you for the giveaway and I like apron #2.

Serena said...

I absolutely LOVE the Regency apron. I have a Regency style apron that I made, but your design is ever so much better! No slipping off the shoulders. The Milkmaid apron is too fun, by the way. :) Thank you for the amazing giveaway!

zees5 said...

Wow, you really make it hard on the winner don't you (wink) - I mean to choose just one). Thanks for a great giveaway! izazbz at yahoo dot com

Binks said...

OMGosh! I HEART the milkmaid apron. These are way to beautiful to potentially stain while cooking or something.
Gorgeous work.

ElfRenee said...

I think I like the second one best. But seriously, these are the most amazing aprons I have ever seen. Ever!


elflyn said...

I love the second with all the flounces. Perfect for flouncing around the kitchen :)
Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love your aprons - I am just imagining myself swishing about in one now - I would be SO thrilled with any of them. Love this giveaway! makeitgiveit(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Beeauutiful aprons, the flouncyful would be first pick. They are all just lovely, though and it would be a delight to wear one. Thank-you!

Anonymous said...


...Sorry for the shouting. But seriously. I would rather win this giveaway than ANY of the others I entered. I am in love with that apron.

It is the same exact color scheme of my kitchen and I love drop waists and the buttons are fabulous.

I really hope I win. If I don't and someone else gets that apron I will be least until I see more of your aprons.

Thank you SO much for the chance to win :)

Lee said...

What beautiful aprons. I adore the regency inspired apron! All of them are lovely - thanks for the giveaway and have a great week!

Southern Girl said...

peekaboo apron is ADORABLE!

yorkie mom said...

I love, love, love the Regency Apron! I am a huge Jane Austin fan! great giveaway. (Allison)

Anonymous said...

I adore your stuff, but that milkmaid apron is my favorite thus far.

Thank you for being so generous!

Kathy said...

LUV the milk maid apron.

MamaPPod said...

I would love to have #2or#3,thanks

Rhonda said...

I love them all, but I think the Milkmaid would probably be a better fit for my ample figure! Your fabrics are gorgeous and the styling is beautiful. In case my email doesn't show up, it is rhondajwl at gmail dot com

Tippetoes said...

these are gorgeous!!! With two kiddos I am never clean! I love the regency one b/c it would fit me the best. The second one is incredible. Pride and Prediuce is my go to movie, so I love love love the aprons. Can't wait to start browsing your shop. Have a great day.
email is

Em said...

Milkmaid inspired is my favorite

Stephanie said...

Thank you for the great giveaway.
atchisonsteph at gmail dot com
My favorate is the milkmade apron.

missbossypants said...

I love the Regency Apron - mainly because I need that much coverage when I cook (it can get a little messy!) Thanks for the chance to win!

Behind Blue Eyes said...

they are all so pretty it's hard to choose :) but if you twist my arm I'll shout "MILKMAID"!!!
You are very talented, I have a fabric fetish too, so I completely understand the lure....
Thanks for the chance to win,

Leigh said...

Oh I LOVE the milkmaid apron! Just brilliant!

Mari said...

Stunning aprons!
I'll have to check out your shop!
The second bustly apron is my fav but it was sooo hard to chose!

Peach Rainbow said...

I love the 3rd one - looks sweet!
Thanks for the chance :D

Ashley said...

I would choose the #2. Milkmaid Apron. thanks for the giveaway!
2. Milkmaid Apron

Unknown said...

I like the flouncy apron, simply because it's a full apron. I would love the milk apron too, but I wish it covered the breast area. I tend to get stuff all over me lol!

Unknown said...

My email addy is attached to my profile :o)

sherri s. said...

Oh, they are truly lovely--hard to choose! I guess the Regency one (oh, Jane Austen...), should I be so lucky! I'm having a giveaway of vintage sewing supplies on my blog, Foziewisp. Please stop by! And thanks so much!

Sandra :) said...

Ohhhhhhhh the flouncy full apron (#3) is just gorgeous - I'd love to win that one! Thank you for the opportunity!

Patticakes said...

Your aprons are wonderful! I love the Flouncy Full Apron the best, so cute. Thank you so much for the chance to win. I am heading over to Like you facebook page so I can keep up with you. :-)
Patti -

Catskill Quilter said...

Oh, I love them all! My favorite, however, is the flouncy full apron!

JaneT said...

My favorite apron is the flouncy one especially the one with a button and loop, I think you called it "peek a boo". Thanks.

Anonymous said...

The milkmaid apron is so fun! I love it!

123heather at comcast dot net

Katie said...

Oh, the choices. Very hard to decide between The regency and the milkmaid... but I'm such a piggy baker I'd say The Regency is more handy. These are just gorgeous! Do you offer patterns?

Melissa said...

I looooove the milkmaid apron and the flouncy apron. SO cute!

needle and nest said...

Oh my goodness, your aprons are GORGEOUS! I'd love love love to win the milkmaid apron. :)

sleepachu at hotmail dot com

Jennifer said...

All of your aprons are great but today I love the Milkmaid!

Anonymous said...

Oh my your milkmaid apron is to die for!!!! Just wonderful!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Kathy H said...

I love all the aprons, the flouncy full apron my favorite.

Eleanor said...

I love the milkmaid apron! Its adorable!!! Thanks for a chance to win!


Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVE that middle one. #2. Absolutely gorgeous! ^_^

Joanna at lifeinalens dot ca

EmGabs said...

My favorite apron is the regency inspired one. I love it!

April in Autumn said...

I like the milkmaid apron the best. I also like the Regency, but empire waist things usually don't fit me very well. Thanks for participating!

Kathleen said...

I would be tickled with either #1 or #2! Thank you for your kindness and generousity (even if I am not a winner this time around)!

Nicole said...

I love them all but the navy one is the one I would choose-#1!

Jo said...

Milkmaid apron! It's so cute!

lillian said...

i love #2!!
lillianboeskool at hotmail dot com

Shayla Sharp said...

In order of love, #2, #1, #3. These are all so pretty!

Autumn said...

I LOVE the milkmaid apron. You did such a great job on it!


Jagels said...

flouncy full apron please. all your aprons are cute. thanks.

Jenelle said...

I really love (love!) the milkmaid apron. Such amazing details. I also love the regency because it's so simple and elegant (because everyone should look good while cooking). :) Thanks for the great giveaway!

Zoe said...

What a gorgeous giveaway! I love the milkmaid apron (#2!)

Julie said...

Number 3 is my pick-so cute

Kristen and Sean said...

Enter me please! Love all 3 styles but I would choose option #2 if I win! Email:

Jen said...

That milkmaid apron is Soooo cute! I would love to wear that around my house! My husband would love it too, I'm sure! Thanks for an inspiring giveaway!

thecurryseven said...

Boy, it's really hard to choose... I love all three. But if pushed I would choose the flouncy full apron.

thecurryseven at sbcglobal dot net

Jeffrey Dyer said...

I love the flouncy apron. I have wanted to try my hand a making an apron, but I haven't made the leap yet. After seeing yours, I'm inspired!

bunny said...

i love the regency apron. it's so pretty!

leslieanne said...

Wow you are apron genius! All of them are darling, but as a Jane Austen fan, I love that Regency one!

sandyandcosmo said...

I love the flouncy full apron!

Annie said...

I would love the fancy full skirt apron!! thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Annie said...

2. Milkmaid Apron is definitely my favorite! Man is that apron cool! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

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