Saturday, January 5, 2008

Aprons Galore

The next thing that encouraged me to think about selling some of the things I've made is I was asked if I could make an apron by an online friend. I'd made a couple aprons before, so I said sure. This was the result (recognize that fabric?):

Then I was asked to make another apron from some fabric I had posted a pic of, and thus the second apron was created:

In the meantime, I found out there was going to be an extra aunt I hadn't planned for at Christmas...and so I decided to whip up this handy reversible apron!

For Christmas, I got some wonderful sewing tools!! From my sis I received a very nice pear of cutting shears and an adorable wrist pin cushion, and from my mom I received something I didn't even know existed...a sewing chatelaine! It's basically an open ended long beaded necklace type thing, that has various hooks and clasps to which you can attach sewing scissors, a seam ripper, a needle holder...VERY handy! I've already put it to good use, I think it was probably my favorite gift. Thanks Mom!!

After all the Christmas family fun was over, I realized a friend's wedding was coming up. She's a bit goth/punk, and an absolute riot! She inspired this little number:

I really hope she likes it!

I have many ideas (and fabrics) for aprons swirling around in my head. I plan on making some in the near future to have available as stock, probably for around $20. I'm also willing, though, to recreate any of the above in various fabrics for custom orders. The price should be around the same, but some may be more depending on the fabric used.

I do have to explain that I don't tend to use patterns, I pretty much make these up as I go, so I can't promise a perfectly exact replica of any apron, but I can get close. And, so far I've only made half aprons...mostly because I prefer them myself to wear around the house, I feel like I'm wearing a pretty skirt even if I have jeans on, and full aprons tend to make me feel a bit restricted, although I do use them in the kitchen. But, I think I'll probably try to make some eventually, just to see if I can. As always, email me if interested!

Oh, and I'd be remiss in my first blog post about aprons if I didn't mention the wonderfully inspirational blog for all things aprony, Amy Karol's Tie One On. Check it out!

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