Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's a New Year!

Hello all, wow December flew by without a single post, ha! I was SOOOO busy filling orders, and then of course making gifts right up to the very last minute. (I'm not kidding, Christmas morning I was still finishing a couple things up before heading over to see the family!)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I'll be taking down my tree tomorrow, always a little bittersweet. (We keep ours up through Epiphany, after all that work I'm going to celebrate all 12 days of Christmas, thank you very much!) So any favorite gifts this year, whether handmade or not? I was so excited to finally get a Kitchenaid stand mixer this year! With a combination of points from our credit card, a great sale on cyber Monday (thanks Amazon!) and rebates, out of pocket I paid $35 for my new pro Kitchenaid, how cool is that? Here's my awesome setup for it!

I also got a great surprise gift from the hubs, a Kindle touch! I already had an older kindle version and LOVE it, but I love this one even more. Plus, I got a great hot pink cover for it, woohoo! :-)

As for gifts I made, for the nephews and nieces I went a little pillow crazy, ha. I was at Ikea and ended up getting 10 of those 99 cent pillows! I wasn't 100% sure what I was going to be doing with them, then I found some great ideas. I'd seen a pin on pinterest for a kind of pillow mattress for kids to lay on, and thought that was great. Then I found this tutorial, and ended up using it to make this:

Another pillow idea I'd seen was a travel pillow, which I thought would be perfect for my nieces who have an hour's drive to school and back with my sis every day! I used this tutorial as a jumping off point, but just made an envelope style pillowcase instead and made these for 2 of my nieces and one of my nephews. I added an initial on each one, and stuck a few goodies in the pockets, of course. :-)

Finally, for one of my sisters and my aunt, I made some of these fun ruffly scarves using this tutorial. I wanted a little bit of color contrast in mine, and I love how they turned out.

As for yummy goodies, DH and I had fun making some Peppermint cake pops and oreo pops, good stuff!

I've enjoyed a nice bit of time off from sewing, but I think I'm about ready to jump back in. I am usually at my most creative when everything is nice and tidy, so I bet you can guess what I've been up to in the interim, ha! I'll be posting about that soon, as well as an idea I have for a series this year.

I'll bid one last Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for this year, here's to 2012.


  1. Wow! What great projects you made for your family. :) Thank you for linking to the tutorials for them, I love seeing how things are made!

  2. I LOVE your KitchenAid stand mixer!!! I almost killed mine after starting to make our own bread.:( I took a break from that so we could make it through with all the Christmas baking. Phew! I was looking at similar models to yours, but I decided to wait a bit until mine finally dies. It's about 25 years old and was passed on to me by my MIL. was a Kindle Christmas all 'round. We gave each of our oldest daughters ones that we received free from our credit card points. My brother received the Kindle touch that I scored new off Craig's List. I was determined to get it for less than Amazon...hee, hee! Have fun with yours.:) I look forward to more sewing fun for 2012!

  3. Bonjour Stephanie,

    j'aimerai te commander des pillow mattress, si tu veux bien.
    Combien les vendrais-tu ?

    A bientôt peut-être,


  4. Bonjour Mathilde!

    Oui, je peux faire des pillow mattress pour toi. :-) Ça coûte $45 chacun.

    Dis-moi si tu les voudrais, et combien, et quelles couleurs, etc.

    Nous voulions visiter la famille en France en mars, mais c'était trop cher. :-( Mais nous espèrons que cette année on y va, peut-être en automne! :-)

