Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Berry Fabric Creations & Giveaway Winner!

I'm done, I've used it all up!!

First up, the item I've chosen as the giveaway...


It's a pleated wristlet clutch adorned with a flower. Isn't it cute? I just love those pleats and how the flower, made with a cream colored toile, pops against the berry fabric. In the middle of the flower I've sewn on some pretty beads...

The inside is lined with the same cream toile as the flower.

Hope the winner likes it!

Before I announce the winner, though, I'm going to show what else I made. (I know I'm cruel!)

Care to guess what's next?

I had to make an apron, of course, but instead of using the berry fabric as the main fabric, I used it as the accent. I used the same red polkadot as on the clutch for the main body:

I decided to cut the berry fabric up into strips and sew on some fun ruffles, I love the result!

It's up for sale in my Etsy shop here!

And finally, with the last of the berry fabric (which wasn't much!) I made some tissue holders. This is the most common way I use up those small fabric scraps that I can't bear to toss.

I used the same red polkadot fabric for the inside (I just love a surprise fabric inside, don't you?)

These two are also up in my Etsy shop here!

And now to announce the winner of the giveaway! For the sake of fairness, I counted up the number of votes for the berry fabric, numbered the posts chronologically and then used random.org to pick the winning number. I have to tell you that the first 2 choices I couldn't find an email or way to contact, so I just went with the first one that I could contact! Sorry, be sure to leave your contact info next time if you didn't this time.

And the winner is...*drumroll*...T.L.!!

The very first poster, how crazy is that? Random.org gave me #1, though, so that's what I went with. :-) Congrats T.L.! Watch for a message from me if you haven't seen it already so I can get your US mailing address.

Thanks so much to everyone for participating, and keep an eye out for the next Choose My Fabric post coming up on Friday for another chance to win!


  1. That clutch is so cute! I love it!

  2. congratulations to the lucky winner!

    You do gorgeous work - I love the ruffles on the apron!

  3. I am the lucky winner!! wow I can't believe it!! I'm so happy this is really beautiful!!
    Thanks so much Stephanie. I'll send you my address! :)

  4. Those are amazing! You have such talent. :-)

  5. How cute! I love the apron. :)

  6. Cool idea! I missed last week, but will check on it this week.
